Governance and organization
Measurements to benefit the economy and society

At the crossroads of science and industry since its creation in 1901 within the CNAM National Engineering Institute, the National Testing Laboratory (LNE) has been tasked with responding to measurement and testing needs expressed by industry.

Through Scrivener's Law, enacted on January 10th 1978, the laboratory was awarded the status of an Public Industrial and Commercial Institution (French acronym EPIC ), and its missions were broadened to include the safety of consumer goods. A new activity was inaugurated, namely product certification.

The institution's governance is provided by a Board of Directors composed of representatives from the national government, industrial companies and salaried directors. 

The Ministry overseeing Industry is responsible for administering the LNE facility, which is governed by a Board of Directors along with a Managing Director, appointed by means of Ministerial decree. The Managing Director acts as the Laboratory's legal representative and supervises the entity's various departments. This post is responsible for preparing Board of Directors' meetings, implementing the Board's decisions and reporting on the execution of actions decided. The Board is composed of representatives from several ministries, salaried directors and competent figures from the scientific, industrial, economic and commercial arenas, as well as from civil society. Its President is selected by the members in addition to being appointed by decree.